Increase conversion rates - the easy way

When your business is online, conversion rates are hot on the list of KPI's to watch month on  month, year on year.  But what are conversion rates, and how do we increase them?

In terms of an ecommerce site, be this physical goods or e-goods, for example ebooks or services, the conversion rate on your site is essentially the percentage of your visitors who you manage to convert into paying customers.  People who visit your site and decide, you know what, I've just gotta have this!  And if you can make them impulse buy - even better.

Here are some quick tips to increase your conversion rates:

1.  Explain the benefits - 3 C's

  • Clear
  • Concise
  • Consistent

Summarise the benefits and sell your product or services as clearly and concisely as possible.  Let your customers know what they are paying their hard earned cash for, and let them know quick.  Why waffle on for pages and pages?  When you meet someone in person, they make their mind up about you in the first 30 seconds of the conversation.  Giving someone the key benefits upfront can boost your conversion rates by as much as 150%.  If you do feel the need for a more detailed description, be consistent with the key benefits you first mention so no one misses out.

2. Collect Customer Feedback

Customer feedback is key to improving your site and giving customers what they want.  Services that prompt for feedback on Products and Services such as Feefo and Trustpilot are great, but what about general site experience?  Services such as Qualaroo and WuFoo are great for general usability questionnaires.  Ask questions such as

  • What information is missing from this page?
  • What can we do to improve our site?
  • Would your recommend our site to a friend?

3. Make your site easy to use

Another great tool for gathering feedback is iPerceptions.  iPerceptions offer a free short survey to your web customers.
  • How would you rate your site experience?
  • What describes the primary purpose of visit?
  • Were you able to complete the purpose of your visit today?
Using feedback you can prioritise content on your site. You may receive feedback from customers looking for particular brands or wanting to compare 2 or more products. This information may be available on your site, but nested deep in the site, or require many clicks. Why not create a landing page with the most popular selling brands or products on the site, or comparing the 3 most popular electronic gadgets that visitors want.

4. Contact visitors that abandon

Email marketing shouldn't be underestimated in upping conversion rates, visitors who abandon during checkout, almost bought from you. Studies suggest you have a window of 90-120mins to finalise the deal or they'll go elsewhere and forget about you. A personalised email to visitors, reminding them of their shopping cart, complete with easy to follow links so they can continue where they left off should help. Let them know it's the last one in stock, or if they buy now they qualify for reduced delivery or a free pen! Everyone likes a freebie.

In review.

Increasing the conversion rate on your ecommerce site needn't be all scientific with graphs and numbers. Listening to your customers and providing a personal touch will let them know you care.


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