Mixed reactions on Facebook today

Just in case you haven't noticed.  Facebook are rolling out a new feature across their platform called Reactions.

This appears to be off the back of the community requesting for a long time a Dislike button on posts.  It is clear to see however this is having mixed... well, reactions across the globe.

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg posted:

Today is our worldwide launch of Reactions -- the new Like button with more ways to express yourself.
Not every moment you want to share is happy. Sometimes you want to share something sad or frustrating. Our community has been asking for a dislike button for years, but not because people want to tell friends they don't like their posts. People wanted to express empathy and make it comfortable to share a wider range of emotions.
I've spent a lot of time thinking about the right way to do this with our team. One of my goals was to make it as simple as pressing and holding the Like button.
The result is Reactions, which allow you to express love, laughter, surprise, sadness or anger.
Love is the most popular reaction so far, which feels about right to me!

Try them out, by hovering over the Like button the desktop, or by holding down the Like button on your mobile to express your reactions to your friends posts and updates.  It is worth noting Facebook are doing a phased roll out over a short period of time, so it is likely you will see this already, but if not, check back in a few hours as may be it's not got your part of the world yet.


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