Creating a continuous deployment pipeline with Github Actions and S3
It's common in today's development world to want a continuous deployment process for getting your code changes under version control to production for the world to see. While in an organisation or medium-larger sized team there may be some steps in between push-deploy, such as code reviews, testing, staging, quality assurance, client review etc. the basic flow can be set up quite easily. Two of the most common tools are Github for version control, and AWS, we'll use an S3 bucket in this instance, but we could tweak to a more involved cloud infrastructure if needed. To set up a CI/CD process with GitHub Actions to an S3 bucket, you will need to: Create an S3 bucket in AWS. Create a GitHub repository for your project. Create a GitHub Action workflow that deploys your project to the S3 bucket. Configure the GitHub Action workflow with your AWS credentials. Push your code to the GitHub repository. Here are the steps in more detail: 1. **Create an S3 bucket in A...