So, I've finally taken the plunge again and started seriously looking into refreshing my dusty old brain cells about TDD and unit testing. Over the past few weeks I have been re-reading various books, reading articles and watching video-casts by some of the leading names surrounding Testing, TDD, Design patterns and tackling legacy code, and the inspiration has finally got to me that I just need to tackle this head on. Consuming a wealth of information about greenfield and brownfield systems and how to tackle them. I have also revisited daily coding Kata's, taking 15mins in the morning or evening to tackle a simple Kata to get my brain in "test first" mode. The array of books and information I have consumed has been immense and I'll probably re-read and watch everything again, and get a different perspective on things, although I guess the main way to learn is by doing, which is why I raked through the archives (then ended up password resetting) my github a...